Buy Bed Get Free One Night Stand! – Advertisement Fail

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One Night Stand

Is it even legal for a store to make this offer??

I can only imagine the disappointed sap who buys a bed he doesn’t need only to find out he’s leaving with a table he doesn’t need. Who says grammar and proofreading don’t matter?

Picture courtesy of Failblog, of course. I will reference an earlier post, on a similar topic.

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Word of the Day that I enjoyed

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I receive a few Words-of-the-day every day, and some of them strike me more than others.

Yesterday’s Word of the Day from was ruth:

1. Compassion or pity for another.
2. Sorrow or misery about one’s own misdeeds or flaws.
3. In the Bible, a Moabite woman who married Boaz and became an ancestor of David: the daughter-in-law of Naomi.
4. Book of the Bible bearing her name.
5. A female given name.
One of the things I love about this word is that it’s not used very frequently. We’re all familiar with the more common word ruthless, meaning having no pity merciless, cruel. I don’t think I’ve ever said, “Hey you know who’s pretty ruth? Jerry.”

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Pizza Ads – Three ads, and zero are correct – Menu Madness redux

Pizza Store

A pizza store recently opened around the corner from my apartment. I’m not going to name it by name, but I will say that the name of the establishment is translated as ‘two brothers’ in Italian. Sadly, the food is not kosher, but at least it looked pretty. Well, it looked pretty until I looked at the signs they put up to advertise their specials. See the above image.

I can almost understand if one sign has some sort of wording issue, but all three?! This is just painful. How many litters come in a soda? Isn’t littering bad?If the ads are this bad, I can only imagine the menu is a minefield of confusing food items and phrases.

Over two years ago, I posted about menus, and the editing thereof. You can see the original post here: Menu Madness.

The basic gist of the post was that I see a maddeningly large number of errors in menus in restaurants, and I would love to help with the editing beforehand, to help people come up with a presentable menu, one they can be proud of. I always believed that if the menu is poorly written, I probably don’t want to see the inside of the kitchen. Nicht gut.

My offer still stands. Feel free to spread the word.

Site of the Week: Criggo


I would imagine that all of my Facebook friends know that I love posting photos, comic strips, and any other sort of image that I find amusing. I found the site via a tweet from Grammar Girl, so you may credit her if you like the site.

As the heading of the site says, “Newspapers are going away. That’s too bad”. Newspapers are full of hilarious photos that don’t come out as intended, typos, and other chuckle-worthy errors, and Criggo is chock full of them.

Some examples:

If you aren’t slapping your thigh yet, or haven’t ‘hyuk’ed out loud, you either haven’t been reading these, or are post-lobotomy. (Apologies to anyone who has had a lobotomy.)

Endless fun can be found as this week’s site of the week: Criggo

How to use a semicolon- a funny, but accurate chart explains it all


The link to the article/cartoon is here, courtesy of The Oatmeal. It’s funny and informative. They refer to the semicolon as “the most feared punctuation on earth”, and I tend to agree.

Most people use it incorrectly; I sometimes avoid using it if I’m not sure. (Yes, I realize I used one in this sentence.)

The reason for blogging – a comment like this

In November of 2007, now over two full years ago, I wrote a mildy humorous bit about how once the ice age started, fat people would rule the earth as the skinny would be too cold to rule. You can read it by clicking here. I’ll paste it for those who aren’t inclined to click:

People are MEAN to fat people. We’re just preparing for the ice age that everyone’s talking about. Some people are afraid. You know who’s afraid? Skinny people. All that global warming stuff will make it real cold and all you skinny-minny’s will be DONE and we fat folks will rule the roost! How’s that diet going now? Soon fat people will be writing diet books for skinny people. How’s about that for a change? I’m already working on my ice age cookbook called 5 Ways to Last the Winter Season without Eating Your Neighbors. Of course, at that point winter will be the ONLY season so it will sell year round. Hurray for marketing genius! Goodbye stick figures, hello oblong figures! So everyone, when you get home tonight, draw a picture of a stick figure and run to the nearest mirror. If you see any resemblance to the picture in your hand I am talking to you.

OK, so clearly, this “piece” was written with tongue firmly placed in cheek, as large people are already the superior breed – but I digress. That this was meant in a snarky, off-the-cuff, silly blurb about total nonsense that I thought might be enjoyable for others to read, should have been rather obvious.

In over two full years, nobody commented on it. Curiously, it’s gotten many, many hits due to the shocking number of times a day that people Google “fat people”. As to why that is, I leave it to someone else to determine. If you ask me, jealousy is the most likely culprit.

Last week, something totally unexpected happened. As one who writes on the internet, comments are important and tell you what people think of your writing. Even if someone vehemently disagrees with you, feedback is fun and can be really informative.

I got an email that a comment had come through, and was waiting for moderation. I clicked, hoping that someone had an opinion regarding something I’d taken the time to write and post. When I started reading, a chuckle escaped from my mouth. By the time I finished reading, I was laughing out loud, and felt kind of confused/sad at the same time. The comment, courtesy of “Savannaq” goes as follows:

OMG you are just a fat person that probaly took months to talk to your self and make yourself belive that this iss true. you made an excuse to make yourself feel bette about your fattness!! get over your self, skinny people are better than fat, tub o lard people!!

OK, I’ve got a number of things to remark about this, so I’ve numbered them.

1. Note approximately ten errors, between punctuation, capitalization, spelling, et cetera, in just two lines. Please note the ‘tub o lard’ usage; are we to assume that this person did this intentionally in an attempt to make use of a cheekier choice of words?

2. Can we try to pin an age on this unknown person? Does the writing suggest a teenager? I can hardly picture someone with more than a tenth-grade education writing this and clicking send without being horrified at his or her self. Could this person have written this poorly because they were in an unprecedented rush? Did they just NEED to comment before they went out to fight a forest fire? Vote on a health care plan? Join Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee on their next epic journey? I think not.

3. How did this person read this and come away with the impression that…

a) I believe an ice age is going to occur in the first place

b) an ice age would be beneficial for fat people

c) a group of “fatties” gets together regularly and plots this amazing coup while the lighter humans are busy shivering in a corner

d) that this would make us feel better about ourselves

e) book sales would be on our minds when the temperature is similar to that of the interior of a glacier

f) this could actually be real in any meaningful way

A big part of me wants to meet this “Savannaq” individual and see what he/she is like. The kicker of all this is that the IP the comment was made from traces to the West Virginia Department of Education in Charleston! Draw whatever conclusions you prefer from that.

Site of the Week: The Pedant’s Revolt

the pedant's revolt

There are many sites on the internet that collect and chronicle mistakes in English grammar/punctuation/usage, but I’ve decided to highlight this one this week, mostly because I only stumbled upon it recently.

Some of the errors are subtle, and MIGHT be attributable to someone just not catching an error, but some of them, like the one above, are just putrid in the abuse of the language.

I hope you all enjoy! (or try not to cry)

This week’s site: The Pedant’s Revolt

I’m psyched! The Grammar Devotional

grammardevotionalEver get the feeling that you wish you could study English usage more often, but don’t have the proper structure to make sure it happens every day? Search no more! Mignon Fogarty, aka Grammar Girl, has written the book for you. The Grammar Devotional: Daily Tips for Successful Writing from Grammar Girl “serves up 365 lessons on language that are sure to inspire. Filled with new, bite-size writing tips, fun quizzes and  puzzles, and efficient memory tricks, The Grammar Devotional gives you a daily dose of knowledge to improve your writing and also serves as a lasting reference you’ll use for years to come.” Ms. Fogarty has been kind enough to share parts of the book with her followers, including the entire first month! You may click here to download the first month, in which she discusses some of the most  common usage issues that come up. I very much look forward to this book.

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